Unlocking the Potential of Central Square via the Central Square Restoration Petition.
After thorough review and discussion, the CSBA Board voted to support the
Central Square Restoration Petition.
The Central Square Restoration Petition will come before the City in September and outlines opportunities to unlock the potential of Central Square. The petition creates a path for C2 to become a more welcoming, safe, active, and unique business and cultural destination per the work of many community discussions and studies. Please review the attached documents explaining the intent and content of the petition. The CSBA Advocacy Committee will host a meeting in early September to answer questions or in the interim please feel free to write to our Advocacy Committee at mail@centralsquarecambridge.com
See Attachements:
Central Square Restoration Petition – FAQ
Central Square Restoration Petition – Summary
Central Square Study – Existing
Central Square Study – Proposed Zoning