We are teaming up with our friends at CCTV to offer regularly scheduled, free, public programming, enjoyable from the comforts of your own home. Right now, we are looking for people of all ages to share their expertise and talent in 30 - 60 min. slots from their own home/place of business. It can be as playful (kids are welcome to participate) or professional as you want.
Some ideas include:
Indoor-friendly fitness
Meditation + Mindfulness
Stand-up Comedy
Cocktails - your favorite CSQ bartenders mixing alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks
Cooking - quick, healthy meals with things in your fridge
Dance and Music - live performance, discussions, lessons
Art activities
Small Business Seminar
Tax Support, Legal Advice
Anything else you would want to see or have access to while cooped up in your house.
The CSBID will pay a stipend to each participant and plug people's Venmo or Paypal, so viewers can chip in, too.
If you are interested in participating or know someone who might be, the sign-up sheet can be found here. We ask that you please share consciously. We want to help the newly unemployed, CSQ small biz owners, and artists first and foremost.
Link to sign-up: here.