The Central Square Graffiti Alleyway at 567-565 Mass Ave stands as one of only two legal graffiti walls in Massachusetts, where graffiti is not only legal but is also encouraged. Unlike other murals, this artistic wall allows people to freely express themselves and their political beliefs through an ever-changing canvas that fills Central Square with character.

Another artistic mural is The Potluck which was created by David Fichter and located just behind the central graffiti alleyway. It’s named after what it’s meant to illustrate, a potluck, containing people from area 4. This mural, created in 1994 was painted by over 60 individuals, and demonstrates the richness of diversity that defines our community.

Similarly, A muralist named Daniel Galvez created the Crosswinds mural on the Middle East restaurant wall representing unity and diversity in Central Square. In addition to the objects found in different cultures, the mural includes local faces from a picture photographed by a resident named Jeff Dun. Crosswinds is a companion to the Crossroads mural which used to be on Pearl Street.