In the last 48 hours, we have quantified, as best we can, the damage to-date and anticipated for Central Square. Of the over 100 constituents the BID represents, 51 responded to our survey.
The numbers are clear. 60% of the surveyed businesses and organizations will not survive another eight weeks at this rate. 72% are waiting for more direction from local and state government as to whether to stay open or close, some of which came last night from the Governor.
All of the findings from our survey were compiled into the CSBID District Impact Study:
Assessment and Action regarding COVID-19 in Central Square, Cambridge, MA, which was shared with the City Manager, Mayor, and City Council yesterday. It will continue to be circulated to our State Representatives and Congresspeople, so that when discussions concerning small businesses and the arts arise they are armed with real information to lobby for emergency relief and resources.
In the report, you will also see our Outreach Coordinator, Jessie Morton’s list of recommendations for protecting and caring for our at-risk and homeless neighbors. It’s imperative that attention be paid and resources allocated to those who need the most help.
We know Central Square is more than capable of staging a comeback when it is safe to do so. We will do our best to plan and advocate now so that is possible.
Stay tuned here for more from our team, including the launch of CSQLive!