“It all started because Liam didn’t want to go to summer camp, but I needed him to stay busy. Last summer, the national summer reading program’s theme was “Build a Better World,” and from that program we learned about Brain Chase, an online educational learning program where kids work to solve a real-life treasure hunt through different exercises and challenges. One week, the challenge was to do something for people experiencing homelessness. I thought we could maybe rent a food truck and make lunches for a day, but Liam reeled me back in and suggested we just make lunches and bring them down to the people right in front of our door!
We started with 20 lunches the first week, but now we’re making 50-70 on a regular basis. Sarah, my wife, does a lot of the thankless work like making the PB&J sandwiches — which takes the longest. And our daughter Charlie is just here for support. We eventually want to keep growing so we’re able to feed more people, but also so we’re able to do more for the people we’re already helping. One day we’d even like to start a program recycling people’s old Legos to make sets for families staying in the shelters that Hildebrand Self Help works with!”
— Scott Hannon
“My favorite part about what we do is watching people’s faces light up when we bring them lunch. It’s so nice to see them smile and know that they can accept the lunch without having to give us anything in return. I’ve also gotten to know some of our regulars, and love saying hi to them.
Outside of my lunch program, I’m an honor roll student and love theater, choir, and reading! My favorite series are Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Spirit Animal. When I grow up, I want to be an animal rescue specialist!”
— Liam
Liam’s Lunches of Love has always had a GoFundMe page, but was recently featured as one of GoFundMe’s Kid Heroes! In the first 24 hours, the new page brought in over $15,000 that will be used towards getting a new wagon, enhancing the lunches made, and helping as many people as possible as their mission continues. Liam eventually hopes to bring his program to The Ellen Show so he can continue growing the program!
Donate to the program: gofundme.com/liamslunchesoflove