We’re celebrating #InternationalWomensDay with our latest #CSBASpotlight on Metter Media, a #CentralSQ-based social media management company run by two strong and successful girl bosses! Founder and President Lauren Metter and Vice President Lyssa Goldberg are a true inspiration to all women who hope to start their own business someday. Learn more about their amazing success story below!

Metter Media was created in 2013 by Lauren Metter while she was working for local alt weekly at DigBoston. Lauren and Lyssa personally gained 20,000 followers for the Dig by tweeting about new restaurants every 20 minutes. During their time at the Dig, Lauren explains how they saw an opportunity for a new avenue of marketing — and it definitely paid off:
“So I had the idea: instead of tweeting for them, what if we took over their social media channels? We started with a group of eight restaurants while still at the Dig. The storytelling aspect — capturing what these restaurants were all about and assuming their voice online — came naturally to us with writing backgrounds.”
Based on Lauren’s success, The Dig let her take those eight clients on her own and start Metter Media!

Lauren and Lyssa envisioned social media that was personal. To this day, they encourage close relationships with clients and celebrate their community members in Central Square. Microsoft New England wanted to bring that community aspect to their company, and Lauren remembers the day she got the email that they had filled out a contact form after seeing her work with Firebrand Saints in Kendall Square.
“That’s when I called Lyssa immediately and asked her to leave the Dig and come do this with me. We both knew then that it was probably going to work out — and here we are.”
Once Lyssa came on board, Metter Media continued to grow over the years.

“When Metter Media first started, we were all (all 4-5 of us, that is…) working from home or from our clients. You’d usually find us with our laptops at a bar of a restaurant, or at a table near an outlet. Today, we have nearly 2,000 square feet of office space in Central Square, a neighborhood we’ve proudly called home for the past 5 or so years.”
Both Lauren and Lyssa agree that there are definitely challenges when owning a social media company:
“One of the biggest challenges of owning a social media company is not letting it take over your life. When you’re able to check emails at any time of day on your phone and receive hundreds of notifications constantly, or constantly have people asking you to do things from all sides — sometimes it can really feel like a whirlwind that you’re caught up in.”

Lauren and Lyssa are truly an inspiration to all women who hope to start their own business, but how did they do it?
“Find a female boss that inspires you and ask them to be your mentor. Before starting Metter Media, I asked my friend Jess Maniatis for advice. She had owned her own web design business JSGD for 10 years and gave me valuable advice, like how to incorporate your business, and to make sure you put 20% of everything you make away for taxes when I was a sole proprietor. She also made our first website and logo. There’s no guide for starting your own biz, just find someone who’s already been there, who inspires you, and ask them a bazillion questions.”
— Lauren Metter
Lauren, Lyssa, and the Metter Media team love working in a community as vibrant as Central Square.
“Lauren and I can walk down Mass Ave to the bank or to The Mad Monkfish or Whole Heart and see 3 people we know along the way. There’s always something going on, there’s always someone to say hi to, it’s just a super vibrant place to be. And working with the CSBA has made me see that even more.”
— Lyssa Goldberg
In need of social media expertise? Metter Media is dedicated to working hand-in-hand with you to get your business’ personality on phones and feeds. Learn more about their services or fill out a contact form through their website, and be sure to follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!