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The BID’s work revolves first and foremost around placekeeping. Cities like ours are constantly in flux. To maintain and uplift what makes Central special, we leverage longstanding, intergenerational relationships to create spaces and opportunities for local residents, artists, and entrepreneurs to benefit from the richness of Central Square's Cultural District. In addition to our programming and pop-ups, the BID manages a team of Block-by-Block ambassadors and outreach workers. As stewards for the neighborhood, they are a welcoming presence in the Square, working to connect at-risk neighbors with social services, provide assistance to shop owners, residents, and visitors, and maintain our shared public spaces.

The Team

BID Board



Central Square, Cambridge’s traditional downtown, originated in the late 18th century as a new village within the town of Cambridge. The construction of the West Boston Bridge (now the Longfellow Bridge) in 1793 reduced the distance from Cambridge to Boston from 8 to 3 ½ miles, and opened the countryside between Harvard Square and the Charles River to development. The Longfellow Bridge reached …

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